Let’s take a step back and review what we did in 2017 in the blogosphere section. It’s been an interesting year with us talking about Brexit, social causes or charity. So without further introduction, this is what we did last year!
1. Has 2017 really been ‘The Year of the Worker’?
Despite a continuous decrease in the rate of unemployment, this blog post is our first on the list and our Executive Search Consultant, Samantha Bosher, is debating the statistics, bringing valuable information to the table.
It had been a great year for employee rights. But in the wake of the Brexit referendum, a fog of continued uncertainty lies across most UK businesses, and as a result, there had been crucial employment law changes implemented throughout 2017. You can catch up and inform yourself here.
2. The Apprentice > You’re Hired!
As our Technical & Engineering Manager, Tony Hutchinson, would say, The Apprentice is ‘the mother of all interview processes, 12 long weeks of blogging, bust ups and balls ups!
The 13th series might not have pleased everyone with its ending, but it was certainly a good game.
Do you have a great business idea you want to share with the world? The applications for Series 14 are now open! Here you can find several pointers if you want to go as far in the process as possible!
When it comes to our community, we believe in helping one another which is why we support local charities when we have the opportunity to.
In the second half of 2017, our Managing Director, Maureen Wright, completed a 90 mile coast to coast walk along Hadrians Wall to raise money for Alzheimers Research, in memory of a dear friend who recently passed away as a result of the disease.
The ending of 2017 was marked by numerous articles in the media connected with mental health.
This blog post underlined several key points and statistics regarding mental health within the workforce, which hasn’t been a common subject until recently.
With mental health issues predicted to rise over the next few years, we encourage all businesses, irrespective of size, to start implementing plans to protect their staff within the workplace.
Read more about the findings here.
5. Type of Candidates Based on Game of Thrones Characters
With one final season to be aired in 2019, this TV show has surrounded itself in a crazy mania which has conquered people across the world!
Candidates view recruitment consultants as the last “Great Wall” between them and the potential employer. But recruiters also have joined on board and classified candidates after the show’s characters. See who is the most feared candidate here!
These are our most popular blog posts, but if you don’t want to miss our consultants’ words, you can see our latest posts here!
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