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The Power Of Social Media

Social media is an extremely powerful tool and whether it’s for business or personal reasons, the majority of us are more likely to be connected online in some way shape or form.

These platforms play a huge part in our lives whether we like it or not. Print marketing is no longer the forefront of a business strategy and digital marketing is increasingly becoming more cost-effective and engaging.

Have you heard the recent news that the cosmetics company Lush, have removed themselves from all social media platforms in order to focus on other areas of marketing and remove themselves from negative views? This is a huge turning point from a business perspective as digital is a huge part of current marketing strategies. The outcome in 6 months’ time could prove to us either how important social media is or whether marketing for businesses can survive without these platforms.

Social media also plays a huge role personally and professionally. We use this to connect with friends and relatives but also to showcase who we are and what we do in our daily lives. However, recruiters use these platforms to find new employees with the right skills and interests. More and more jobs are being advertised on Facebook and LinkedIn and are proving to be a successful way to employ and gain more interest in roles available.

Employers may also look at social media profiles to understand your personality traits and interests outside of work. Therefore, if you’re social media profiles are filled with negative comments, offensive content or inappropriate photos this may reflect badly on you professionally. Being aware of who may come in to contact with your profiles or contact you via these sites is exceptionally important when looking for personal or career opportunities because as we’ve seen in the news, these negative posts can come back round to harm your image or career.

If you would like any more information on how to promote yourself with social media or your CV, please do get in touch with our professionally trained Recruitment Consultants on 0191 492 6622.

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