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It’s funny how quickly you forget how to do your job when you’re not in the office, isn’t it? I was sat staring into space in my kitchen for a solid 10 minutes last week, wondering what I should be doing. Only kidding Maureen.

Seriously though, I’ve always been an advocate for occasional agile/remote working, I still am, but I have found myself missing the people I work with and wondering how they’re all doing.

These are mad times we’re living in and it’s arguably harder than ever to stay motivated and encouraged to work hard. The news is never good, everyone knows someone who knows someone with the virus and in some sectors, survival seems to be the only order of business. Those of us who’re fortunate enough to work for a business still operating and avoiding redundancies have an awful lot to be thankful for, I for one, and I’m sure my colleagues are the same, am determined to repay that good fortune.

So, we decided to catch up and discuss what’s keeping us motivated whilst we’re separated from the people who laugh and cry with us on this crazy rollercoaster we call recruitment…

For most of us, maintaining some semblance of routine was the most important thing to remaining motivated and productive.

Some of us workout or train first thing and start the day in a great mood and full of energy. For others, something as simple as a task list for what we’d like to achieve for the day and ticking those off is most important. The thing is, because of the variety of work we all do, for some of us, our approach hasn’t had to change and we’re busy in all of the same ways we always were. For others though, they can’t go about their work in the usual way so they’re busy doing other things to help or support the business which in turn supports clients and candidates. Flexibility is the order of the day then.

I’m sure our bosses will also be pleased to hear that we all talked about the fact that we’re paid to do a job, are lucky to still have one and feel an individual and collective sense of accountability to repay that fortune by working hard to ensure the long-term success and survival of the business.

It’s also worth tracking achievements or little bits of great news. Some of our clients continue to hire at the moment and those interview requests and placements are all cause for celebration that everyone can get excited about. Send an ‘all users’ email and watch everyone get involved a) because it’s great news and b) it proves they’re still working! Sometimes it’s the little things.

Above all, just remember, we’re all in the same boat. Talk. Complain. Celebrate. But. Do. Not. Dwell. On. Things. Get them out there with colleagues or they’ll eat you alive.

We’ll get through this.

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