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Intu Contributing Around £600m Investments and 20,000 Jobs To The North East

Here in the North East, both the Metro Centre and Eldon Square are two of the main tourist and entertainment attractions and as a region, we are lucky enough to have two huge centres that accommodate around 20,000 jobs and continue to invest in new retailers and wider businesses. But what impact does that have on our local economy?

According to Bdaily, the Intu centres contributed over £600 million in 2018 alone and reportedly represent around 12% of jobs in the area, despite the decline in the retail sector. These centres have huge benefits and offer a variety of businesses, especially with new investments and continuous improvements being made each year.

Newcastle Eldon Square is known to being home to one of the flagship Fenwick’s stores and offers a large shopping and wider leisure and dining experience, whilst the Metro Centre is investing more money into child-friendly entertainment. This will see a climbing wall and miniature golf attraction being introduced in 2019, giving families a great day out on a rainy day (or sunny day!).

But how important is this continued investment into our region? It’s vital that funding is placed into the leisure and retail sectors as this is what will help bring in more tourism and guests from across the country. In the last year alone the Intu centres attracted over 54 million customers! This is proof that the more investments that are made within the region, the more jobs we will have available, meaning unemployment rates should drop. With the decline in the retail sector due to increased online shopping, it’s more important than ever that we support our retailers.

Yet again, this is more great news for the region and continued representation of how important our local economy is!

*Information is credited to BDaily

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