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COVID-19 - We'll get through this...

The internet is full of advice about COVID-19 (Coronavirus) at the minute. Obviously.

It’s either about social-distancing and hygiene or it’s about how to work effectively from home.

From an operational standpoint, businesses are facing incredibly uncertain times. Nobody has answers and we’re all reacting to almost hourly changes. It’s perfectly understandable that we’re all concerned about numerous things. Our elderly relatives’ health, our own, our own job-security and the job-security of friends and family.

Just don’t expect cast-iron answers because nobody, and I mean nobody, currently living, never mind working, has been through anything like this.

The best advice we can offer is this…

Be flexible. Be versatile. Be adaptable. Be accountable. Be trustworthy.

Keep doing your job, wherever you can do it, and in any way you can. Work hard. Help out.

No business owner wants to let people go, let alone during such a difficult time. Making those decisions haunts them and they avoid it wherever possible. Now isn’t the time for scorn or criticism. Resist the urge to make this about you.

Things are going to change, they have to, but we’ll get through this.

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