How to Attract Millennials in your Company View more

How to Attract Millennials in your Company

The need to stay relevant has always driven business owners across the globe to look for people with fresh ideas and new perspectives. Millennials are the new item on the workforce market and a lot of businesses want a piece of them, but not many can convince!

A 9 to 5 job advertised with a ‘competitive salary’ is not enough anymore. The office culture, the perks coming with the job and the training resources you offer are among the first things a millennial will look at before considering to apply to your job.

With the rate of unemployment being the lowest in four decades and with the number of vacancies hitting a record high, you might be among many who struggle to find the best candidates. With this pressure, employers have started to temporarily push up wages by more than expected last year (The Guardian) but this is still not enough in most cases.

Millennials want to make the world a better place, so they prefer companies with a friendly approach to volunteering and a proactive attitude towards social causes. Believing in a company’s mission and purpose represents a key point on their list.

They prefer a collaborative work culture rather than a competitive one, so you might want to re-think your strategy for your sales team. Ringing a bell every time someone makes a sale or downgrade one of your co-workers in front of everyone for missing a sale won’t win you points. Those moves belong to The Wolf of Wall Street and should stay there.

The difference between a boss and a leader is more noticeable these days and nobody really wants a boss anymore. People search for a mentor and a leader. A good manager must have these qualities. You’ve probably heard of the saying ‘people don’t leave a job, they leave their boss’ and it’s more accurate than ever.

The fine line between work and personal life being is often crossed due to social media, networking events, etc., and people demand for a work-life integration, since these two areas are now blending together.

Online presence along with online reputation is just as precious, so don’t neglect it. It is known that 70% of employers are snooping candidates' social media profiles, but why would you think it doesn’t happen the other way around too? Your Facebook and Twitter page are now your business card and failing to keep up with trends, will decrease your chance to attract the right pool of candidates.

Therefore to summarise what a business should to attract young talent:

  • Think about the workplace engagement
  • Be a mentor for your employees
  • Make the perks you offer millennial-friendly
  • Invest time in to your company reputation

‘Work smarter, not harder’ seems to be this generation’s motto and you should do the same! Here is where we can intervene and lend you a helping hand. Our 'black book' is bursting with talent!

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