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Holiday Blues?

Did you go on holiday during the Summer months? If so, did you return to work feeling refreshed and ready to go again? If you’re in the right role in the right organisation for you, that’s exactly how you should be feeling. However, how many of you have dreaded going back to the ‘slog’ and even returned feeling unmotivated, stressed or even as if you’ve never been away in the first place?

Work forms such a huge part of our lives. After all, many of us spend more time at work than we do at home, so surely we should enjoy what we are doing and even look forward to going to our place of work. Don’t get me wrong, it’s natural for most of us to experience some form of holiday blues so I’m not saying everyone who has any looming thoughts of returning to work should immediately take action. However, if you’ve been back to work for a week or so and you’re STILL questioning your situation I would definitely encourage you to do something about it – Make that introduction to a new contact or employer, update your CV, sign up to LinkedIn, take a look at what roles are out there, apply for that dream job!

When you decide to take action and set yourself goals, this is sure to give you that boost you’ve been looking for. However, please remember that securing that new role will not likely happen overnight, or in a week or even in a month. So why not set yourself some other goals to work towards to keep your morale as high as possible in the meantime? Plan that next trip, arrange that over-due catch-up with a friend, start that new hobby you’ve been meaning to try or even seek to lead a more active lifestyle.

Here at Westray Recruitment Consultants, we have professional Recruiters available to help you take that next step. Take a look at our live vacancies on our website www.westrayrecruitment.co.uk – You never know, your next job could be there!

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